Environment & Land Use

Salmonella Infection Case Dismissed for Lack of Jurisdiction

The Eastern District of Kentucky dismissed a lawsuit from World Heritage Animal Genomic Resources...

Conservation Groups Respond to Motion to Dismiss in...

Last week, the Center for Biological Diversity (Center) and the Sierra Club responded to...

Ninth Circuit Denies Energy Giants’ Request to Revisit...

The Ninth Circuit breathed new life into a 2017 case by the City of...

W.Va. Company Sued For Polluting Environment and Causing...

On Monday, Jackson Resources Company, a West Virginia based natural resources company, was sued...

Blair Adhesives Sued Again for CWA Violations

On Thursday, a California resident, Alesha Davis, sued California Metal X, owner of an...

Transport Company Sued For Clean Water Act Violation...

At the request of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Environmental Enforcement Section of...

EPA Agrees to pay $3m in Clean Water...

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the State of Utah announced an agreement on...

Federal Agencies Propose New Regulatory Definition for “Habitat”...

On July 31, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the National Marine...