Emerging Litigation Podcast

brought to you by HB Litigation and Fastcase

This podcast, produced by HB Litigation Conferences in collaboration with Law Street Media, explores new and changing legal disputes.

Recent Episodes

When Chemical Crises Strike with Ed Gentle and Kip Benson

Soon after emergency response teams scramble into action to address chemical fires, explosions, or other toxic events, attorneys begin gathering and analyzing information either to mitigate corporate risk or to seek remedies for anyone impacted by such an event. Listen to my interview with Edgar C. "Ed" Gentle III and...

Humans at Work with Leah Stiegler

People. We’re complicated creatures. We can be compassionate. We can fall in love. Sometimes we don’t care for each other, but here we are.   Also, some people cross the lines of propriety, causing emotional or even physical harm to others on our teams, whether we work with them, for...

The Long and Brawny Arm of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act with Mark Bini and Tom Suddath

The United Nations and World Economic Forum calculates that the cost of corporate corruption globally is $5 trillion a year, or 5% of the world’s 2022 GDP. Corruption can hamper economic growth by discouraging investment, increasing transaction costs, and distorting market competition. It can perpetuate poverty by diverting resources away...

Journal of Emerging Issues in Litigation

The Journal of Emerging Issues in Litigation presents thoughtful analysis of potential, new, and accelerating areas of substantial litigation and risk.


Tom Hagy

Podcast Host