Monthly Archives: April, 2022

Hospital Sued Over Debt Collection Practices

On Monday a class action against The Valley Hospital concerning alleged privacy violations was removed to New Jersey federal court The plaintiffs allege...

Report Reveals High Bar for Preliminary Injunctions

Preliminary Injunctions: VERSION A A preliminary injunction is one of the most serious judicial interventions that takes place in American courtrooms. Because they restrict the...

The Easiest Way to Protect Your Client’s Trade Secrets During Litigation

Motion to Seal: VERSION A Motions to seal are used to shield certain filings associated with a lawsuit from public view; while judges and jurors...

Environmental Group Partners with Nevada Tribe to Sue Over Geothermal Power Plant Construction

The Center for Biological Diversity issued a press release last Thursday announcing their intent to sue the United States Bureau of Land Management over...

Former Employee Sues Zimmer, Inc. Over Unpaid Overtime Wages

A suit was removed on Friday from the King County, Washington state court to the Western District of Washington by defendant Zimmer, Inc. The...

FDA Issues New Guidance on Cybersecurity for Medical Devices

On Friday, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued draft guidance entitled Cybersecurity in Medical Devices: Quality System Considerations and Content of Premarket...

AbbVie Vies for Claim Construction Leukemia Treatment Patent Case

On Friday a brief regarding claim construction was filed in a case filed by Abbvie Inc. and others against Dr. Reddy's Laboratories LTD. The...

Baby Food Companies Face Latest Heavy Metals Lawsuit

A group of parents, on behalf of their children, filed a complaint against Beech-Nut Nutrition Company, Nurture Inc., and Plum Inc. last week, alleging...