
Amazon Seeks Declaratory Judgement to Protect Best Buy...

Amazon filed a Complaint for Declaratory Judgment (Amazon.Com, Inc. v. Corydoras Technologies, LLC 1:19-cv-01095) on November...

Google’s Project Nightingale Secretly Gathered Millions of Patient...

On November 11, reports emerged that Google had secretly gathered millions of patient records across...

Department of Interior Grounds Drone Fleet

On October 31, the Department of the Interior (DOI) halted 800 drones used to...

Alphabet’s Smart City Plans Move Forward in Toronto...

Sidewalk Labs is collaborating with Waterfront Toronto, a publicly funded organization in the Canadian city,...

Uber, Lyft and DoorDash Launch $90 Million Campaign...

On October 29, Uber, Lyft and DoorDash launched a $90 million campaign in an effort to...

NTSB Investigates Cause of Self-Driving Car Crash

The first fatal car accident involving a self-driving car occurred on March 18, 2018...

Federal Circuit Issues Nearly Earth-Shattering Ruling for PTAB

On October 31, the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit vacated and remanded...

Apple’s Credit Card Investigated for Gender Discrimination

The new Apple Card has been accused of being sexist. Advertisement for the Apple...