Securities and Exchange Commission

Agency Judges Face the Ax as DOJ Switches...

FOIAengine:  WILL TRUMP FIRE ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGES? LinkedIn is usually a repository of routine announcements...

The Glomar Hustle

FOIAengine Explores the Widespread Use of “Neither Confirm Nor Deny” By John A. Jenkins We’re taking...

Got Dirt? Democrats Ask the SEC About JD...

FOIAengine: DNC’s Five Requests Also Target Nominee’s Venture Capital Partners Caroline Graham is the Democratic...

SECs “Suspicion-less Investigations” Under Attack

The American Securities Association Uses a FOIA Lawsuit to Advance Its Agenda Two months ago,...

“CAT” Up a Tree: Showdown Looms over SEC’s...

FOIA Requests Reveal Perils and Possibilities of the Consolidated Audit Trail, aka “Mass Surveillance” Imagine...

Public Right, Private Privilege: Commercial Entities are Biggest...

FOIAengine Reveals Trends Behind the Big Numbers at FDA, SEC   This week we analyze...

SEC Attacks SPACs

As the SEC launches a salvo of regulations against special purpose acquisition companies (SPACs),...

More Litigation as Whistleblowers Lawyer Up

FOIAengine: Fights Erupt as SEC’s Tipsters Seek to Cash In After the Securities and...