Kinross Gold

Kinross and Feds Settle 2015 Gold King Mine...

The consent decree filed last Friday, if approved, will resolve all claims between several...

More Settlements Narrow the Gold King Mine Consolidated...

Following allegations that the Environmental Protection Agency tampered with evidence, New Mexico and the...

Utah Reaches Settlement With Mining Companies in Gold...

Utah and mining companies, Sunnyside Gold Corporation, Kinross Gold Corporation, and Kinross Gold U.S....

Court Dismisses Gold King Mine Claims from Farmers,...

The District of New Mexico issued an order Thursday granting Kinross Gold Corporation’s motion...

Government Opposes Attempts by Kinross Gold Corp. to...

The United States of America filed an opposition on Monday to Kinross Gold Corporation’s...

Mining Corporations Seek to End Gold King Mine...

Mining business defendants in the Gold King Mine Spill lawsuit are seeking to dismiss...

Two Discovery-Related Requests Denied in Gold King Mine...

On Monday, the District of New Mexico denied two discovery requests in the case...