Kasowitz Benson Torres

NY Agencies Sued for Unnecessary Institutionalization

A suit was filed on Thursday in the Southern District of New York against...

Bausch and Lomb Removes Stock Drop Case to...

Earlier this week a case filed by GMO Trust, et al against Bausch...

Disney and Scarlett Johansson Settle ‘Black Widow’ Pay...

According to The New York Times, Scarlett Johansson and The Walt Disney Company have...

Ineffective Mosquito Repellent Suit Partly Survives MTD

On Wednesday a federal court situated in Brooklyn, New York partly granted a motion...

Scarlett Johansson Sues Disney Over ‘Black Widow’ Online...

Over the weekend, The Walt Disney Company refuted allegations made by actress Scarlett Johansson...

Tobacco Graphics Warning Requirements Delayed A Third Time...

On Tuesday, the Eastern District of Texas granted a motion from tobacco companies to...

Plaintiffs Appeal Request for Injunction Against Colorado Minimum...

The legal push against an approved Colorado proposition to require a 20-pack of cigarettes...

Effective Date of FDA’s Tobacco Product Graphics Labelling...

The Eastern District of Texas, which is overseeing a dispute between R.J. Reynolds Tobacco...