
Buying Biotech: Baker & McKenzie and McDermott Advise...

Ligand Pharmaceuticals announced it will acquire biotech company APEIRON Biologics for $100 million. The...

FOIA Requests Target FTC’s PBM Investigation

FOIAengine Reveals Inquiries About FTC’s Inner Workings With the Federal Trade Commission reportedly preparing to...

Trademarks, Copyrights, Brands, T-Shirts, and Champagne with Tiffany...

Listen as intellectual property attorneys Tiffany Gehrke and Kelley Gordon of Marshall Gerstein in...

SECs “Suspicion-less Investigations” Under Attack

The American Securities Association Uses a FOIA Lawsuit to Advance Its Agenda Two months ago,...

Wealth Management in Flux: Paul Weiss and Ropes...

On the heels of Bain Capital’s $5.6 billion acquisition of PowerSchool last month, Bain...

Reality Bytes: Infinite Reality Acquires Landvault

As adoption of virtual reality expands, Infinite Reality, Inc. announced its acquisition of Landvault....

“CAT” Up a Tree: Showdown Looms over SEC’s...

FOIA Requests Reveal Perils and Possibilities of the Consolidated Audit Trail, aka “Mass Surveillance” Imagine...

Microsoft: A Window into the Litigation of a...

As of the writing of this article, Microsoft recently retook the title of most...