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fcc chinese telecom

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House, Senate Pass Law Preventing Insecure Equipment in Domestic Telecom Infrastructure

On Friday, the U.S. House of Representatives voted 420-4 in favor of the Secure Equipment Act of 2021, according to a Federal Communications Commission...

FCC Revokes China Telecom Americas’ Services Authority, Citing National Security Concerns

On Wednesday, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced the adoption of an order terminating Chinese state-owned China Telecom's authority to provide domestic interstate and...

ANALYTICS: Drone On and On – An Analysis of Drone and UAV Litigation

Drones and other unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are rising in popularity and usage over the past few years; according to Drone Analyst, the drone...

Agencies Recommend FCC End China Telecom Authorizations

The Trump administration asked the Federal Communications Commission to “revoke and terminate” authorizations for China Telecom Corporations, a US subsidiary of a telecommunications company...

FCC Orders 4 Chinese Government-Controlled Telecoms to Show Cause

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) issued an order against four Chinese government-controlled telecom companies, including China Telecom Americas, China Unicom Americas, Pacific Networks, and ComNet. The FCC has...

Huawei Asks Fifth Circuit To Overturn FCC National Security Threat Designation Ban

On Monday, Huawei filed a petition for review with the Fifth Circuit, asking the appellate panel to overturn the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) ban...

Department of Interior Grounds Drone Fleet

On October 31, the Department of the Interior (DOI) halted 800 drones used to monitor endangered species, inspect federally protected land, monitor dams and...

FCC Prevails in Huawei ‘National Security Threat’ Designation Case

In a ruling ruling last Friday, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals denied a petition brought by Huawei Technologies Company and its American subsidiary,...
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The Standard to Acquire Allstate Employer Voluntary Benefits Business

Allstate Corporation announced a definitive agreement to sell its Employer Voluntary Benefits business to StanCorp Financial Group, Inc., (The...

Got Dirt? Democrats Ask the SEC About JD Vance

FOIAengine: DNC’s Five Requests Also Target Nominee’s Venture Capital Partners Caroline Graham is the Democratic National Committee’s research director, a...

Kroger/Albertsons Merger Trial Begins

As reported in this column in October 2022, Kroger fought for an express checkout on its acquisition of supermarket...