
Amazon Requests Price Gouging Legislation from Congress

Amazon has asked lawmakers to enact price gouging legislation to protect consumers from bad...

Facebook Proposes $52m Settlement Content Moderators With Job-Related...

Facebook will pay former and current content moderators at least $1,000 each, totaling $52...

Senators Join State AGs in Calling for Antitrust...

Nineteen Senators penned a letter to Attorney General William Barr, requesting that the Department...

13 AGs Raise Safety Concerns with Amazon, Whole...

On May 11, 13 attorneys general sent a letter to John Mackey and Jeff...

Cannabis Activity Should Lead to Bankruptcy Dismissal, U.S....

In a filing Monday, the Office of the United States Trustee told a Colorado...

Org. Argues Delaware River Fracking Needs Oversight

In a case concerning fracking regulation in the Delaware River Basin, the Natural Resources...

Robinhood Faces Class Action Lawsuit Over March Outage

Plaintiffs Jared Freedland, David Kostenko, and Romeo Toro filed a class action complaint against...

H-2B Visa Workers Given More Flexibility to Help...

The Department of Homeland Security announced a temporary rule change to H-2B requirements which...