Kirsten Errick

Kirsten graduated from Villanova University with a B.A. in Communication, specializing in Journalism. She previously worked at Blue360 Media as an Associate Editor.

Articles by this author

Facebook Files Motion To Dismiss First Amended Complaint In...

On Friday in the Northern District of California, Facebook filed a motion to dismiss plaintiffs Reveal Chat Holdco and Beehive Biometric’s First Amended Complaint (FAC) against it for antitrust...

Oracle Sued For Patent Infringement by Norsync

On Thursday, Norsync Technology AS filed a complaint in the Northern District of Ohio against Oracle Corporation claiming that the defendant infringed the patent-in-suit through its data integrator by...

LG, Samsung Sued For Patent Infringement Over Smart TVs

Plaintiff DivX, LLC filed patent infringement complaints on Wednesday in the District of Delaware against LG Electronics, Samsung Electronics, and LG’s semiconductor manufacturer, Realtek Semiconductor Corp., alleging that the...

Yahoo Opposes YAHOOSHI Trademark

Oath Inc., a subsidiary of Verizon and owner of the YAHOO! trademark has filed an opposition before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board on Wednesday the application for YAHOOSHI,...

Portland Adopts Ban of Facial Recognition Technology

On Wednesday, Portland, Ore. city leaders adopted the most expansive facial recognition ban in the country by banning both public and private use of this technology; other bans have...

Court Partially Dismisses Microsoft’s Complaint for Declaratory Judgment in...

On Tuesday, United States District Judge Richard G. Andrews from the District of Delaware filed an opinion granting in part defendant SynKloud’s motion to dismiss. The motion came after...