Law Street Media

Center for Biological Diversity Sues Forest Service

Facade of Deprtment of the Interior

Facade of Department of the Interior Building in Washington DC

On Tuesday, plaintiff Center for Biological Diversity and its affiliate organizations have filed a suit in the District of Minnesota against various government agencies including the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Forest Service, Army Corps of Engineers, and Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland.

The Center for Biological Diversity and its associated organizations are a group of nonprofit organizations that focus on protecting wildlife and different biodiversities in the United States. 

The complaint states that the plaintiffs “challenge the failure of Defendants…to comply with the Endangered Species Act…and the Administrative Procedure Act…for the proposed NorthMet Mine Project and Land Exchange in northeastern Minnesota.”

The plaintiffs allege that the proposed NorthMet Mine Project would have a negative impact on the wildlife and the ecosystem of the Superior National Forest. They also claimed that the government agencies were made aware of the negative environmental impacts that this project would have on “Canada lynx , gray wolves, and the northern long-eared bat” but decided to move forward with the proposal.

Other claims made by the plaintiff include allegations that their organization’s members would be adversely affected from this project because they “derive recreational, inspirational, religious, spiritual, scientific, educational, aesthetic benefits” from the affected area.

The defendant is facing four counts of violations of the ESA and APA. The plaintiffs are being represented by in-house counsel.

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